Life is too precious. ♥
Tears are too precious to waste on failures
Seconds are too precious to speak behind people’s back
Hours are too precious to be spent alone
Your heart is too precious to be given to someone who cant handle it
Life is too precious to slip through your hands,
And if you aren’t aware enough
It will.
I know my life has a purpose.
So I am going to love it.
I am going to live it,
my way.
Postat av: Mona
Beautiful Golzar! The person that is aware of it is a winner!
Postat av: Goli
Thank you! That is true... awareness for the world :)
Postat av: Asaliiii
Älskling, du skriver så bra! Fortsätt så! :) I just love ur blog! And I love you and the way u think! Puss på dig!
Postat av: Goli
Tack min fina ängel! Jag är glad att du tycker så! Lots of loooove!!