Beautiful dream.
How lovely, how beautiful, mesmerizing. A performance by Illan Rivière.
Music by Mercan Dede - Pamuk Prenses ve 7 Cuceler, Ali Baba ve Kirk Haramilere Karsi
(Instrumental loveliness)
Step by step. ♥
I think it is essential... it is vital for an individual to find out what it wants to do.
We might feel lost and unsure in the begining,
but once we know what the wishes of our heart is
the only question should be - HOW can I DO it
and then start moving towards your goal.
Step by step. ~ written by Golzar

Interesting illustration
Creative piano ideas.
Stairway painted.

TheFunTheory in Stockholm.
Because you are you, and I am I.
I do my thing and you do your thing.
I am not in this world to live up to your expectations,
I am not in this world to live up to your expectations,
and you are not in this world to live up to mine.
You are you, and I am I,
You are you, and I am I,
and if by chance we find each other, it's beautiful.
If not, it can't be helped.
If not, it can't be helped.
~ Frederick E. Perls "Gestalt Prayer".

Lakatos Vince (1907-1978) Tanyasi iskolások

Stanley Kubrick. Couple on a subway. New York, 1946
Little bird by kara-a

Curiosity doesn't set limits.
Age has a limit but not curiosity. Photograph by Rana Pandey

The Main Thing.
Remember the main thing is to keep the main thing the main thing.

Tujhe Mein Rab Dekhta Hai. ♪
Amanda Palmer.
Amanda Palmer reading at the United Nations Commemoration of the International Day to End Violence against Women on November 25, 2013. ♥
Live Performance. How personal and honest... pure.
"Connecting The Dots" -
Världen känns oerhörd svår att stå ut med när man måste vara såhär långt bort från sina hjärtevänner.
Vår värld.
Jag äger ingenting,
men allt är mitt.

Beloved sister and friend. ♥
A sister is worth gold.
A sister that is always there for me.
A sister who understands me.
A sisters whose love with words I can not describe.
Thank you for being you,
and I thank the world that I got the chance to get to know you
and have you in my life.
Thank you for being you,
and I thank the world that I got the chance to get to know you
and have you in my life.

Stronger. ♥
I have come to like destruction, because I have learnt that it builds me up. /Golzar.

Charlie Chaplin speaks.
Charlie Chaplins timeless speech, my favorite clip in all film history.
He was indeed a wise man, ahead of his time.
Let us not forget his message.
And you'll see that you will get to the top. ♥

You dont have to see the whole staircase. Just take the first step.